Wednesday, 26 May 2010

A Catalan Dip..


Another day at Catalan Bay.

I had just done a 12 hour night duty in the hospital, a quick dash to my flat, a fried breakfast and then off to spend the day dozing on the beach.  Never a wise approach whilst on nights...

So, having had a bottle of Rose, half a white, a few Calamaris and fries it was time for a quick doze in the sunshine.

One quick doze later - time for a dip.  Another bad idea.  Bottle and a half of wine and I'm in for a dip.  Of I merrily (literally) paddle.  Around the end of the bay, about 50 yards or so out, is a large rock.  About 20 feet below the surface is an archway in this rock.  Excellent.  Down, I go to swim through it.  Another bad idea.  I go into the arch and promptly rise with my back against the jagged top of the arch - a little bit stuck.  As I have mentioned before, one of my strengths is not holding my breathe, I'm bloody hopeless.

Could this be the end of Shiner (my naval nickname) then!  Not, bloody likely!  I manage to scramble out with a slightly cut up back for my troubles.  I get back to the surface and back to the beach.  It still remains a mystery to me, to this day, how I managed to get out of that little predicament.

However, a very good lesson learnt there - don't drink and dive!

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